Visual simulation library for ocean rendering.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
  Public Headers
 Environment.hThe public interface for setting Triton's environmental parameters
 Impact.hAn object that generates impact wave and spray effects, ie from projectiles or explosions
 Matrix3.hImplements a 3x3 matrix and its operations
 Matrix4.hAn implementation of a 4x4 matrix and some simple operations on it
 MemAlloc.hMemory allocation interface for SilverLining
 Ocean.hTriton's Ocean model interface
 OrientedBoundingBox.hA class describing an oriented bounding box
 RandomNumberGenerator.hAn interface for overriding Triton's generation of random numbers
 ResourceLoader.hA class for loading Triton's resources from mass storage, which you may extend
 RotorWash.hAn object that generates rotor wash wave and spray effects
 TidalStreamWake.hAn object that generates a static wake wave in a given direction, such as that generated by a buoy in a tidal stream
 Triton.hA convenience header that includes the main public headers for Triton
 TritonCommon.hCommon typedefs and defines used within Triton
 Vector3.hA 3D Vector class and its operations
 Vector4.hA simple 4D vector class
 WakeGenerator.hAn object that generates a ship Kelvin wake as it moves
 WindFetch.hA localized or global area of wind of given speed and direction