Improved ocean spray effects in Triton 3.39Version 3.39 of the Triton Ocean SDK includes an improved ocean spray particle effect. It’s something that’s been bothering our artist for a long time, and I’m happy to say it now looks noticeably more natural!

Improving Triton is a lot like remodeling a house – when you make one thing look good, it just makes everything else look bad. We’ve focused a lot in the past year on the realism of our shaders for the water surface itself, and as the water became more and more realistic, it made the spray look less realistic. But I think we’re finally at the point where that new refrigerator led to a complete kitchen remodel and everything finally looks great together, to extend the metaphor.

We also produced an updated demo application featuring the new spray – so if you’re not ready to update to the latest SDK, you can still check it out there!