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I just realized it’s been awhile since we posted anything on this blog – but that’s because we’ve been busy, you know, building things! The SilverLining 3D Cloud, Sky, and Weather SDK is now up to version 7.007, and most...
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We get a lot of questions about extending SilverLining’s shaders to incorporate custom lighting or sensor effects, so here’s some more depth on how that works. Usually we point people at our earlier article on the subject, and I’d still...
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The Triton Ocean SDK is a fairly mature product; there aren’t a whole lot of things people want at this point that it doesn’t already do. But one thing that does come up from time to time is including the...
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Thanks to the fine folks at Pelican Mapping, the built-in integration of osgEarth with our SilverLining and Triton SDK’s are working well once again! osgEarth comes with NodeKits for SilverLining and Triton, and as long as our SilverLining or Triton...
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Our partners at SimBlocks LLC have updated their Triton SDK for Unity to support Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline (URP.) This makes Triton compatible with modern Unity-based simulation and training applications built with URP to accelerate development. SimBlocks has wrapped our...
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The day has come – a prospective customer has asked us about integrating SilverLining and Triton with VulkanSceneGraph! It’s time for us to get serious about our path to Vulkan support. In the short term, we’d like to remind people...
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There are a few common questions we get from new customers, and we find ourselves referring to a few of our past posts that explain them pretty often. If you’re new to SilverLining or Triton, here’s some recommended reading you...
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Today we released SilverLining 6.24 and Triton 4.47. There are a few minor changes, but the big news is in platform support! Both now include pre-built binaries, samples, and project files for Visual C++ 2022, using the vc143 toolset. You...
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Silverlining’s “stratocumulus” cloud type is rendered via GPU ray-marching instead of particles. This “volumetric” approach avoids all of the artifacts that come with billboard particles, but it comes at a cost. Since volume rendering just renders a slab with a...
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A problem that’s plagued SilverLining since its inception is color banding. In twilight conditions, there is a very narrow range of colors in the sky from the rising or setting sun, and 8 bits of color per channel just isn’t...
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